2025 Servant Profile

Please fill out this form and click submit! This will help us connect you with the appropriate Ministry Group Leader, who can get you more involved.
Where can you serve regularly?

Like any family, we have some tasks that need to be done very regularly. These are the things that ensure we’re caring for one another and enabling regular worship.  Please choose at least one task for which you can volunteer regularly.
Please select all that apply.
What ministry area(s) interest you for longer term engagement?

Below, please express your interest in helping in any of our ministry areas. This assists our ministry leaders when they need to identify volunteers when we need help. We hope to connect you with a ministry area about which you are passionate and with people who have similar interests.

Please check the box for each ministry area in which you are interested and provide a bit of detail about how you want to serve.  The elders hope that every congregant will engage with at least one ministry group.

The worship team ensures our worship services are meaningful and glorify God.  Members of the team assist with worship planning and preparation. Volunteers in this ministry also sing as part of the worship team and decorate the worship space to reflect the season. If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Jeff Schrad or Alex Martinez.
Please select all that apply.

The benevolence team seeks to help those in need in our immediate community.  This ministry welcomes people who are willing to engage with those in need--from assisting the refugee families that the congregation supports to arranging food drives for AFAC. This ministry also plans our annual coat drive and other efforts that benefit those in need. If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Mark Blankenship.
Please select all that apply.


The missions team helps spread the good news of Jesus Christ around the world.  We support mission efforts in Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Madagascar and southern Florida.  This ministry group regularly encourages our missionaries and keeps the congregation informed of mission efforts and needs. We also hope to build an annual or bi-annual mission trip in one or more of these areas. If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Nilson Argueta.
Please select all that apply.

The engagement team welcomes people into our church family and builds bonds of encouragement within our community. The team reaches out to those joining us for the first time and builds bonds of study and fellowship through our small group ministry.  Other efforts include sending cards, bringing food, or providing other help when new babies arrive, when someone is sick, when someone experiences a loss, or just when someone needs some love.  The engagement ministry also plans and helps with regular fellowship events. If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Drew Burgett.
Please select all that apply.

Spiritual Formation

The education team encourages spiritual growth among our congregation by providing enriching classes and other opportunities and tools for learning.  This ministry is always seeking people who are willing to teach all ages, even if just for a quarter of the school year at a time.  This ministry group also maintains classroom supplies and our library.  Substitute teachers are also always in high demand! If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Chess Cavitt.
Please select all that apply.

The communications team supports all our ministry areas by letting people both inside and outside the congregation know what’s happening.  The communications team maintains the website, compiles the weekly Alert, and changes the sign outside the building. This ministry also maintains our technology infrastructure--the databases, the networks, and the computers that help manage the congregation’s activities.  If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Claudia Randolph.
Please select all that apply.


The meetinghouse team serves every ministry area by ensuring our facilities are functional and well-maintained.  Some of the work includes routine maintenance like changing lightbulbs and air filters, ensuring chairs and tables are set up, and maintaining a ready baptistry. Other work is completed through outside contractors, and those contracts are also managed by this ministry group.  If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Gomi Otokwala.
Please select all that apply.

The finance team makes sure the Arlington church is a good steward of the financial blessings God has provided. The team works with the elders and ministry coordinating team to build and monitor our annual budget.  The team is responsible for recording and depositing our weekly collection, for paying our bills and our staff, and for regularly reporting on the church's financial situation. The team is also responsible for the congregation’s rental properties. If you would like additional information about this ministry, please contact Jason Smith.
Please select all that apply.
Finally, the congregation is consistently in need of certain skills and expertise. Some of the ministries require technical know-how that can be hard to learn.  If you possess experience in any of the following, please let us know!
Please select all that apply.
Thank you so much for your willingness to serve. We will connect you with the appropriate Ministry Group Leaders soon!   In the meantime, feel free to reach out to any of those listed on this form if you’re ready to learn more or get started today!


Please fill out this form and click submit! This will help us connect you with the appropriate Ministry Group Leader, who can get you more involved.